Monday, January 23, 2017

Wanavengers @Viper Challenge 2016..

Wrote by Lynn Easyanz at 3:06 AM
   Yeaaaah 1st entry utk 2017...walhal idok ler sesibuk mane mode nk menulis tu...tak mlm ni since terlebih gula and tak boleh nk lelap iols decide utk sebelum tu..HAPPY 2017 UOLS!!harap belum terlambat hokay janji still in January kan..hahaha..
  Td br pas layan #AJL31..hermm...Misha tak menang uols..but oklah dpt year ada lagi.. no worries hokay my girl..hehe..i still love
  Straight to the point..entry kali khas nk story about VIPER CHALLENGE 2016 usual lah..once a year dh jd mcm adat plak..akan ada 1 xtvt dgn WANAVENGERS ni..tahun 2015 PENANG BRIDGE MARATHON,ke Penang iols..tahun 2016 VIPER CHALLENGE plaks maka ke Sepanglah iols..actually unplanned pun slalunye...secara tak sengaja terberxtvt dh mmg iols sejenis yg suke berextreme xtvt ni maka..joinlah..hihi..
  Viper nie sempoi lg sbb run with obstacle..20km with 20 obstacle..kau rase???haaa..tambah lak aku masa tu baru settle dgn ABJK2 punye xtvt which is LED NIGHT RUN,HIKING BUKIT SAGA AMPANG,MOUNTAIN BIKE,CAVE CROSSING,15KM RUN and WEEKLY GYM...dimana yg menyebabkan aku injured and sore all over my body belum sempat cure pun...dan hanya rest lesss than 2 weeks and without any training..aku join viper plaks..mmg proud of u lynn..clap..clapp (hentuk kepala kat dinding kuat2!!)...dgn keadaan yg sore dan injured tulah aku memulakan larian sejauh 20km dan mengharungi 21 obstacle(eh tetibe terbahasa melayu baku plak ni apehal..btul tak ayat mak??hahawatevaa..sila phm sendiri)...lari punye lari..jln punye jln..duduk rehat bangun gelak minum tak jgk sampai2 wei!!!what the hack!!!hahaha..mmg such a priceless memorylah..toward the end walaupun badan sakit..lebam sana sini..kengkang word je leh describe..ENJOY!!!
  dah la bangun seawal 4am..since run kt sepang and jauh dr gelap2 lagi dh terpacak kat sepang..apa aku buat dgn hidup aku wei..bayar mahal2 utk sakitkan badan wei..erghh..tulah perasaan masa kena bangun n siap seawal tuh..haha..flag off around 7.30am...oklah..alhamdulillah this year punye viper,weather byk membantu..dgr pengalaman last year dorg ckp panas terik so jd 1 cabaran lg haa..sbb panas bg cepat penat lg kan..nasiblah masa aku join sepanjang hari cuaca mendung je angin pun sepoi2 bahasa..hehe..again..alhamdulillah..
  ktorg register by a group of last2 minit ade beberapa org yg backout maka tggallah 7 org jer...still utk viper...MAKE SURE KORANG JOIN BY GROUP ok..sbb sgt memerlukan teamwork..ade member aku yg join lone ranger aje..last2 viper without obstacle je jdnye sbb most of the obstacle memerlukan bantuan antara satu sama lain gitchewww..
  apa lagi wei..this year join la..u guys should try..tak rugi..if tnye pengalaman aku...erm..seluar koyak..lumpur from head to toe..kasut tak de rupe kasut dah..haaa...lagi tips utk viper.. kasut better korang pakai TRAIL SHOES..kalo running shoes..hoho..kelautlah mcm aku jdnya..bila dh berlumpur..hanya trail shoes yg berguna..running dh jd very the slippery lorr...3rd obstacle pun dh almost jatuh sbb kasut tak leh grab..sudahnye most of the obstacle aku byk slide..last2 tu yg seluar koyak tu..hahaha...erm..ape lg ek..yg penting pengalaman main lumpur tu wei..bkn selalu..nk layan big slide and jump dlm lumpur...terbaiklah..hahaha...geng aku yg join viper ni ade je yg takut air n xleh masa nk jump tu blh la pilih amik yg bahagian air tak dlm sgt..kalo tnye aku..opkoslah suke yg dlm..fefeeling dugong gitcheww,,,eh duyung..haha..
ni gmbar before and during the challenge.. antara obstaclenye(tgk org2 kt belakang)..tgk..tgk...haha..dh mcm hantu lumpur..

posing selagi boleh..haha..kalo dh namanye perempuan..1st we take a selfielah konsepnye..haha..yg lelaki settle je obstacle,teruskan perjuangan tp yg gegurl..hermm..nilah kejenye..haha..
finally this is after the challenge that take us about 7 hours to complete at the finisher..gigit medal semua..gigit!!!coze we did it!!!

and yes WE SURVIVED yaw!!! ;-)

   lagi satu yg best tau ape..maybe rezeki aku kot..each xtvt yg aku join mesti dpt bj warna MERAH..haha..aura aku kuat kot kan..haha..nice lahh..mak sukeeeeeeee.......actually byk je lg gambar dlm gopro..byk aku share kt IG..sini di ringkas kan n others pic byk kt dont 4get to follow my IG..ehh tetibe terpromote plak..haha..
   ok tu jer utk kali nie..nxt kalo rajin..iols citer xtvt new year iols lak hokay..kalo rajinlah..hahah..adios amigos and Wassalam..




Design by LyNn Easyanz